Sunday 2 December 2012

how to make a face mask

I love making my own face mask as it is cheaper and can do the same thing, these are a couple of my favourite homemade face masks:
-All masks are are good for all skin type's
-They should stay on for 10-15 minutes
-Once it has stayed on for 10-15 minutes wash it off with luke warm water

1. Egg whites and yoghurt mask

prep time: 2 minutes
ingredients :
-2 egg whites, separated from the yolk and placed in a bowl

-2 tablespoons of plain yogurt (I think greek yoghurt works the best)
1.Separate the egg whites from a couple eggs and place them in a bowl.
 2.Add 2 tablespoons of yogurt (do not use flavored yogurt!).
 3.Mix them up and apply to face. 

2.oatmeal and Yogurt Face Mask

prep time: 3 minutes
ingredients : 
-1 tbsp oatmeal, finely ground
-1 tbsp live, organic yogurt (skip the flavored stuff)
- a few drops of honey
-Add the yogurt to the oatmeal in a small bowl and mix together.
-Warm a few drop of honey. To do this, warm a spoon under hot water for a minute, then add a few drops of honey to the spoon.
-Stir the honey into the yogurt and oatmeal mixture.
-Apply the mask to the face. 

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